Monday, 22 October 2007

CCTV illlegal

Please click on the picture to enlarge.
Here I tried to have :
-A information to give : are you safe in the Nottingham streets ? (fake aim, the message is more important)
-A message : CCTV is supposed to be illegal against our private life.
-A target (audience) : young people in age to vote and not necessary friendly with computers and interactivity.
-A visual context : appropriated to the message and the audience (looks real, immersive)

The story is all reversed !
From a CCTV view to a police office to the police intranet website.
When you are in the office a lot of interactivity make more immersive this experience, after a phone call you realize that you watch people but you are watched ! (As a policeman)
At the end you are on the intranet of Nottingham police and you a pop-up make you realize that watching private life is illegal.

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