Monday, 29 October 2007

What's next ?!

After the meeting of this morning, here is what appear to comes next.
For any question about the global project report on the site map above (please report me all the mistake you'll find).
Kenton finish the home page content, gives black&white plant pictures to Richard for the introduction.
Laura write the cheesy text told by Richard for the introduction.
Laura also write the readable titles and texts of the introduction.
Richard (needs the Laura's texts to) create the scenario of the animated introduction, do the key pictures of this scenario, finishing by the crawling blood (zoom) & the title page.

Here (coming soon, very heavy) is the link to download the photoshop template of the global framework.. (or follow the composition of the interface posted yesterday and we will integrate it after) (The .psd is useful to know the resolution of the interface)

I will need your monster page content to put it in the web page template, your case file content to put it in the case file template.
I also take care about the sound and the little loading page.

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